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Background Pony #71AC
I find horses very aesthetically pleasing. They're very pretty animals. I don't want to fuck one, though, and I feel no particular desire to look at pictures of their genitalia. I was kind of hoping for more cartoon pastel pony content.

Early Adopter
"Pictures of the real thing" sounded more like a booru focused only on official art rather than fanart. Not the only interpretation of the words, but the first one I thought of in the instant I happened to see your post before clicking on the link.
Background Pony #0F76
Wow! That one has pictures of the real thing. I now have a new favorite booru. If only I knew how to read Cyrillic.
Background Pony #E41A
Personal opinion:

Derpibooru: Nazis
Ponybooru: Cool guys
Twibooru: Boring
Ponerpics: Ghost town
Background Pony #DDF5
@Soft Lava
impenetrable muslim nigger armor

You have no armor, and even if you did, it's not impenetrable.

If you are indeed, without a doubt, Jesus Christ

but I'm not, faggot. I didn't even come here to educate you on TOR. I came here to refute the FUD you spread about Tor after I asked if any alt boorus had onion services. Besides, I wouldn't mind being stoned to death, faggot. Your attempts to insult me have failed once again, you sad excuse for a human being.

But until then, fuck off.

BREAKING NEWS. Muslim The N word is offended by the fact that I broke his armor! Now he wants to cancel me. Cancel Culture is at it again! Next he will want to cancel himself because he used the terms "Muslim" and "Nigger" together back to back in an attempt to troll me, because that's R-A-C-I-S-T! REPORTED!

You do not realize that I cannot be cancelled, cuck.
Soft Lava
Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020
Auti.. Artist -

@Background Pony #DDF5
Still salty over my last blow to your chest? So much that you had to find a weakness in my impenetrable muslim nigger armor to continue fighting this fight? So be it, you cheeky rascal you.

Do you have anger issues? Or have you been in a recent mental anguish over how succinct and straight to the point my opinions are, forcing you to rely on besmirchment of my honor to prove your point? I find your behavior rather childlish and I am not willing to watch you embarrassing yourself in my eyes no longer, unless you take precautinary steps in learning basic communication skills.

If you are indeed, without a doubt, Jesus Christ on a mission to educate the masses about how secure TOR is, you don't begin your gospel with harrassing guys you disagree with and calling them faggots, do you? If you do, you'd be stoned to death with a blink of an eye (and a wink of a pussy) and all your friends will betray you, especially jewish ones.

For starters, try to work on your manners and perhaps I will follow suit and work on mine.

But until then, fuck off.
Background Pony #DDF5
@Soft Lava
I am not an IT professional. I don't even know how to write in C. I use Arch just fine.

If you can't even use Ubuntu you must be even stupider than I thought. First you spread FUD about Tor now you're shitting on Linux because you didn't know how to use it. Read the fucking manual, faggot. You're a fucking sheep. That's your problem.
Soft Lava
Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020
Auti.. Artist -

Linux is for IT gods. I envy those on arch managing stuff. I once installed ubuntu for fun and it took me great lengths to even begin to understand what sudo is, let alone realize that exe won't open without wine.

I also got stuck in vim
Showing results 26 - 50 of 125 total

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subjectFull TextMatches the title of the topic.subject:time wasting thread
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updated_atDate/Time RangeMatches the creation or last edit time of this post.updated_at.gte:2 weeks ago
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