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Punished McGee

A fallen legend
Thanks for a lifetime supply of salt, you're absolute clown. You've proven to be as dense as a troon's clout with how you read people's ramblings on the internet. You honestly thought that listing was serious? Really, dude? You'd be a goldmine for indian scammers, that for sure. I'll be sending them your credentials asap so they'll have another cash cow to latch on. With such nativity as yours, you'd be a goldmine for them.
Posted Report

Site Moderator
Sorry to hear he got under your skin like that. Nothing worse than an idea getting ruined for you by those behind it. Regardless, it can't work now because there is not enough time anymore. Making a simple theme might still be on the table. I still disagree that the kitchen theme is retarded, but unity in this is fairly important when we are dealing with so few artists. I think we need to narrow down if we do a medieval theming or just a lineup now.
Posted Report
Auti.. Artist - drawer of mare

I have read it. I even kinda liked the idea, before i realized just how overload it all was. And DimwitMcFaggie here wasn't making it any better with his unfiltered autismo input. I guess i could cut him some slack considering the circumstances, but i don't exactly feel like it after his retarded remarks to relevant criticism.
Don't care about themes, as long as it's reasonable i'll do it, but none of that retarded kitchen nonsense.
Background? Idk, usually it's either commissioned by staff or donated by an interested artist.
Any artists on board? Fuck if i know
Posted Report

Site Moderator
I guess you haven't read anything the gnome has posted before. What is raw art? This is clearly a shitpost. Regardless, just say you like or dislike the theme, here is the plan I am willing to follow. Normal is only a rough start, because there was no planning other than be normal. What background, if any? Any artists on board with normal? Who is going to post what? Any stances in mind? Is it free for all?
Posted Report
Auti.. Artist - drawer of mare

What rules? As far as I was aware from the pitch, it was just this one anon that was going to make a story of where Aryanne would host a show.

Am i going insane? What's all this then?

@Dumbshwick McGee
Ok, now serious talk,

Mare's kitchen is going to be a fierce competition only for those who are truly reckless and persistent, extremely talented, with strong leadership skills and a pinch of aryan heart.

Of course, this might be a little too much to ask for, given the diminishing numbers of active users on this site. But don't worry. If noone shows up to compete in mare's kitchen, it's completely okay. You're not expected to! Aryanne will gladly be a winner.

However, if you've decided to win, against all odds, then expect it to be pretty darn hard.

Contrary to previous collab, here are the new rues:

1) To apply you must have your oc dressed in a 'mare's kitchen'(TM) signature black jacket. Failing this rule will result in immediate disqualification. looking at you, mokran
If your OC appears in the collab, this means you have been chosen as a contestant! Yay! :D
After that, oc's will be split into red and blue teams. Not drawing OC's in your assigned team's suit is a straight road to disqualification.
2)Each week there are going to be challenges that require both teams to perform a special drawing task. i.e: showing a ponut
You are expected to upload challenge-themed drawings to ponerpics only. Violation of this rule is punishable by death disqualification.
3)The ponerpics audience will be judging each uploaded drawing with a help of ponerpics's scoring system.
Each drawing's score in summation will be compared. The team with a higher score wins both challenge and a reward from aryanne, which can range from her secret stash of never before seen erotic bdsm pictures all the way up to getting all too close and personal. The loosers will go to a gas chamber (for cleaning purposes).
4)Mare's kitchen will be opened weekly either on 4chan's /mlp/ channel or mlpol's /vx/ channel (it's up to debate). OCs will be tasked to bake bread there. Promts will be given by anons and must be delivered as fast as possible.
6)Given the harsh condition under which the contestants have to perform, added by a very retarded special kinds of people you meet on 4chan/mlpol, this is certainly going to be hell. Luckily for you, aryanne came from such places so she will gladly give you her words of wiesdom (and make you deaf if you stand a little to close)

And what is wrong with a little story

Nothing, if you can pull it off
Posted Report

Site Moderator
If we are going with a medieval theme, we do need to know what that means. Should there be some ponies wearing crowns and we can sort of organize the ponies into factions under "kingdoms"? Might help organize the overall image.
Posted Report

Site Moderator
Why would they need to? Just say to downsize the idea and stick to single images. There are ways to curb overambition than destroy the idea and drag the momentum.
Posted Report

Site Moderator
What rules? As far as I was aware from the pitch, it was just this one anon that was going to make a story of where Aryanne would host a show. And what is wrong with a little story if it is something that is done as a sort of reward for the artists and the site for sticking around? The original idea typically doesn't survive in the original form anyway. A simplification of the idea to just be baking in a kitchen and there is a cake that says the current year on it. Could have worked. I think the approach taken in only shit talking the idea instead of turning it around has delayed action instead of building the idea to fit what artists do want.

And yes, we don't have resources or numbers. We did have time on our side in the beginning, but now these limitations mean that we can only do so much, forcing us to make a far simpler idea and not utilize the limited resources towards something that makes it memorable and not a chore.
Posted Report
Medieval Community Collab -
2023 Collab -

Drangleic Inhabitant
Medieval could be anything. just the era in time. doesn't have to be Armared mares or anything. I mean pony is already basically medieval already.. what is a chef mare other then just a mare in a chef hat? it wasn't the theme it was that it was a weird competition. if it takes us all MONTHS to set up a single collab like you say
imagine getting anyone to draw 2-3 images a week. there was no way it was ever happening
Posted Report
Auti.. Artist - drawer of mare

What is forced about making a character wear a chef's hat? I really don't get what is so offensive about the idea. If you don't like it, fine, but offer a replacement. So far, the only thing that actually sounded fun was torn down to shreds and nothing has been done by anyone else.

It was not just the hats. An overcomplicated, somewhat convoluted set of rules was put forward, not to mention that it's further discussion devolved into smurfing and cringe quasi-roleplay.
I believe it is important to realize that we're working with limited resources here. A simple, clearly understandable option of just doing a group pic much like what most other community collabs are anyways would've been a lot more approachable for users, and most of all, could've been put together and released much more quickly.
That can still be done, by the way
Posted Report

Site Moderator
The only problem with the normal line up is that it might be a bit demoralizing seeing how few artists are returning and the lineup was not organized when the iron was hot. We are two months away from the next year. We are very late to the table to get artists on board. A theme might help make it have some personality and keep morale up for the ones that have returned.

I don't see how medieval theming is less restrictive than a chef theme though. I know you do draw mares in armor, and it is well done, but I don't know if we can get all the artists to learn armor if they have not practiced. Maybe we can just make it the background.
Posted Report
Medieval Community Collab -
2023 Collab -

Drangleic Inhabitant
I'm pretty say way back when I asked if we could just do a normal collaboration. and now I'm suggesting the same thing + maybe a theme to get people ideas. I know without an idea I can't make shit.
Posted Report

Site Moderator
Yes, right now. That is my point. The time to do it was when you first apposed it and created an alternative idea to work towards. This was months ago.

And yes, I did not directly participate because I can't draw. I was actually indirectly participating in suggesting ideas on the topic and supporting the idea. But if this does not work, I need a new direction to support that artists do like. Again, I don't understand the aggressive opposition and how you dislike it so much. Just tell me what you actually would like if it is this offensive.
Posted Report
Medieval Community Collab -
2023 Collab -

Drangleic Inhabitant
>I shut it down
everybody shut it down, you included. did you participate? no? well neither did anyone else. I just told him that nobody was going to from the start, good idea or not
nobody cared and it was clear from the start
I have also been trying to get people to create a plan they agree on right now
Posted Report

Site Moderator
What is forced about making a character wear a chef's hat? I really don't get what is so offensive about the idea. If you don't like it, fine, but offer a replacement. So far, the only thing that actually sounded fun was torn down to shreds and nothing has been done by anyone else.
Posted Report

Site Moderator
And that disinterest was not followed by a more coherent plan, just complaining. And now you are hear complaining about there not being a replacement plan after you shot that down. If you had no intention in participating in the previous plan, why shut it down if you do not plan to make a replacement?

Also, how is mare cringe? It was an absolutely hilarious and fun idea. Chefs competing and interacting. That is leagues better than standing in a group for what appears to be a picture alone. You would both get that in the chef line up and some interaction pieces where they blend and clash against each other. I can't believe you would actually be against this so aggressively.
Posted Report
Auti.. Artist - drawer of mare

Dude, the actual organic participation for artists on the site is minimal. Users should not have been forced to jump through hoops to participate. This thing would've never worked
Posted Report
Medieval Community Collab -
2023 Collab -

Drangleic Inhabitant
It did not feel like a collab to work with the others of the site but a cringe competition I, and clearly no one else had any interest in. nobody wants their art judged and compared to others by some random
Posted Report

Site Moderator
I really don't understand what was so bad about it. It was fairly fun and it could have been both a decent theme to work towards and have some good response from non-artists.
Posted Report
Medieval Community Collab -
2023 Collab -

Drangleic Inhabitant
The gnomes last plan was pretty terrible. I tried to tell him that no one was going to do it and now here we are still unable to do anything. I gather you just want to do a normal colab with no special themes or outfits/items in hand?
Posted Report
Auti.. Artist - drawer of mare

@Dumbshwick McGee
I see you are as committed to shitting up this thread as you were to sabotaging the collab with your nonsensical ideas. Dare i remind you that no amount of smurfing will cover up the simple fact that you are a fuckup. Cover your ass with a picture of a pretty mare as much as you want, none of your schizophrenic banter will do you or this site any good
Also, lots of my OC's are mares, retard. And unlike yours, they actually look somewhat decent
Posted Report
Punished McGee

A fallen legend
Statistic shows that in 99 out of 100 cases people would run a trolley over your pathetic excuse of an oc rather than my precious hijab mare. Your singled out case data will be discarded as we don't account for niggers to have a merit to rational thought.
Posted Report
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