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Background Pony #4B2C
There wasn't a thread for feature suggestions and discussion, so I created one.

State your suggestions clearly. What goal will it accomplish? What's a short summary of a feature? And describe how feature should work step-by-step, including pictures if necessary.

In the future this post will be edited by moderators/admins to include frequently requested features, and how likely that they will be implemented (not likely/planned/currently implementing).

Site Administrator
The coding necessary to import entire archives is now here. This is a thread for all issues concerning this process. Concerns include:
Should the favorites and upvotes score from derpibooru be transferred?
What should happen to images we already have uploaded here?
And more

Obscure references FTW
I know this might be impossible due to the lack of complete 1:1 matchup of images here vs. images on other Philomena based boorus, but would it be possible to transfer all my faved images and watched tags to this site? I'm getting tired of not being able to use this site to the extent I've used other boorus because I don't have my watched and faved images for easy access. Failing actually transferring the watched and faved galleries, is there a way to transfer the list of watched tags here?

One Man Illuminati
Bulk Tag Editor

Nobody's perfect, that's especially true when it comes to tagging. This script is for those times when you need to apply the same tag changes across a set of images, whether to refine the tags or fix mistakes. Because while adding one or two tags in bulk might be easy if you're well versed in the keyboard shortcuts, removing existing tags is much more time consuming, requiring you to find and remove it via mouse click.

With the script installed, you can define a set of tags that can be added and removed in the editor with a single click.

On Chrome:
Works with Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey

On Firefox:
Works with Tampermonkey.
Works partially with Violentmonkey by installing alternate script version, with the limitation that the saved tags does not carry over across different domains.

Primary: Click here to install from Github
Firefox Violentmonkey: Click here to install


Early Adopter
I'd like to request that a Default-Dark theme be added that looks like the attached picture.

To be honest, I thought this dark theme was one of the default themes on the site. I use Dark Reader to force a dark mode on most of the websites I go to. The only issue with using Dark Reader is that the spoiler text just looks like dark red highlighting over grey text. It vanishes and shows text like normal once I mouse over it, but it can ruin the punchline of a joke sometimes.

Edit: Drag and drop the broken image into a new tab to see it. I also added a link to the image underneath it.

Early Adopter
The bulk image importer program that was linked by Lotus, that I've been using to import stuff to this site, seems to not be working anymore.

I use the bulk importer script. It is extremely effective at scraping tags you like and automatically uploading them.

I was also asked to fill in a couple of captchas to get to Derpi when I popped over there to see if the site was down.

Has anyone else run into similar problems, or found workarounds?

Early Adopter
I see Derpi as a large dumpster fire that's collapsing under it's own mismanagement.
I see Ponybooru as the sacrificial lightning rod to collect all the controversy and sabotage attempts by the same people who effectively destroyed Derpi
I see Rainbooru as the closest to a searchable complete archive we have, since the pony archive doesn't organize it's massive store of images.
Twibooru isn't up and running at all as of this post, so I don't know how that's going to go
And last, but not least, I see Ponerpics as the "true" main heir of an image booru that includes community features.

Early Adopter
They look good, but they're hard to see on some themes. They're also a bit difficult to discern when they've got the background highlight after being clicked by the user.

The easiest way to fix this would probably be to add a contrasting outline to them.

Early Adopter
So, I think that a lot of us right now in the early userbase are probably migrating over from DB, or might be exploring around after spending time in other boorus.

Are you planning on starting fresh here, or are you thinking of manually copying over your filters and watched tags list from your old account? How about your username or profile picture?

Personally, I think it's a good idea to start with a new username and password for every site or forum. Just basic internet security practice, really. I also made a new email specifically for this site, because I have a provider that lets me make shell addresses for signing up to newsletters as a security feature in case those emails end up being sold to some sort of third party.

I looked at the filters I was using back on my old account, but I noticed that there's very little of the stuff I was filtering on the old site on this new site. I don't know whether that's just because it's taking so long to upload all the images, or because these images are generally so low on everyone's priority list that they're not being transferred over as much as the other stuff.

I haven't gone through and added a ton of my "watched" tags. I don't know whether I should or not. It took a while to build up that watch list, but I'm not even sure if those tags are even populated or not on this new site.

TL;DR — I'm partially migrating stuff over here, but I'm not sure if I want to go all the way and copy all the rest of my settings. I want to see other people's decisions and reasoning on this.

Early Adopter
There's a bit of an issue with linked images not being displayed on the website. The images for the booru, and the associated thumbnails all seem to display fine as far as I can tell.

The problem is with linked imaged in the descriptions, like in here, or in the forums, like here.

It's not super-high priority right now, but should probably be somewhere on the to-do list.
Flexible -

Derpibooru used to have this option but for some reason they disabled the option. It has been annoying ever since. My guess is because they wanted power to give their chosen images exposure. I only want a display option to toggle the side bar on and off.

On DB I used to have it show me 1 comment per page because I tend to waste more time if I can look at more comments. They changed it to a minimum of 15 and this site has that minimum as well. It would be nice if the minimum was lower

One Man Illuminati
Below is a list of my userscripts ported over for Ponerpics. For more information, you could follow the link to the forum thread on Derpibooru or the Github page. Otherwise you can click the direct install link if you are already familiar with them.

Custom Shortcuts
Forum thread

Derpibooru Comment Enhancements
Forum thread

WebM Enhancements
Forum thread

Image Preloader
Forum thread

Legacy Image Layout
Forum thread

Derpibooru User Blocker
Github page


Q: Where are all the script settings?
A: Most of my scripts make use of the Derpi4U library to provide a consistant UI experience. If you have any of those scripts installed, you will find a new "Userscript" tab in the site's settings page.
Do note that, same with other settings, any changes you make have to be confirmed by clicking the "Save My Settings" button at the bottom of the page.

One Man Illuminati
Namize Background Ponies! No to boring hex values!

You're tired from boring hex-fingerprints? You want funny pony names instead of Background Pony #F0FA? You want colors? No probrem!

This script replaces hex anon fingerprint with pony names. For example, "Background Pony #4BEF" will become "Dim Times (Background Pony)". Easy, funny, and not confusing numbers.

Note: This script was originally created by VcSaJen, ported to Ponybooru with his permission and maintained by me.
Link to the original thread on Derpibooru

Requires Violentmonkey
Click here to install from Github


One Man Illuminati
Booru Switcher

Let's you quickly switch between Philomena-based boorus. Primarily intended for quickly comparing tags and searches across sites.

Requires Violentmonkey or compatible userscript manager.
Click here to install from Github


Known issue
There's a bug where the file hash returned by the site's API doesn't match the actual file.

If such an image was downloaded from Site A then uploaded to Site B. Trying to search for the image from Site A would find no result. As a workaround, you can ctrl + click the link again to force the script to download the full image and compute the hash client side.

This let you search on Site A for images that had been uploaded to Site B. However, it won't work for the inverse, i.e. find the source image on Site A from Site B. So, when client-side hashing fails to yield result, the script uses Philomena's reverse image search function as the final fallback.
Background Pony #EF1C
FUCK TRANNIES (that aren't raptors)

That is all
Background Pony #6585
UPDATED VERSION: go directly to the original thread for an up-to-date version of the userscript that has now been made general between all Philomena boorus (currently, derpibooru, ponerpics, and ponybooru). You can use that to import from any of those sites to any of the others, only needing to install a single userscript. It is also being actively updated with new QoL features.

Outdated version (the original reason for this topic) here: You can still use it but it only supports importing to ponerpics. It is also not being updated with new features from upstream.
Showing results 101 - 120 of 120 total

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authorLiteralMatches the author of this post. Anonymous authors will never match this
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subjectFull TextMatches the title of the topic.subject:time wasting thread
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updated_atDate/Time RangeMatches the creation or last edit time of this post.updated_at.gte:2 weeks ago
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