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Background Pony #8CCA
@Background Pony #64A4
I occasionally read Twitter, if only because some artists whose work I enjoy post their art there. I don't post there. I don't have an account, so I have to use a proxy to read it in the first place.
Background Pony #64A4
@Hollowfox the Worst
thats just how it is. a bunch of twitter people think they can dictate society. but thankfully its self destructing before our eyes.

if you ignore their mentally ill reeeing at normal people for saying things then they have no affect on your life, id leave twitter if I were you
Background Pony #64A4
@Hollowfox the Worst
hate? no you didn't do anything like skin a child alive

just kinda pointless to rant about derpibooru. this site and all the other alt-boorus exist due to that fact already.
(that derpi is shit) and twitter? bro no one cares about it. same as before. this site is again alt booru. because those other places are shit.

thats why this place exists. there really isn't a point to rant about it and talk about why they bad. cause.. thats why we are here in the first place
Hollowfox the Worst

Straight Outta Derpi
@Background Pony #8CCA
Maybe they hate it because they don't want me to bring offsite drama. Not to mention they always make me stop bringing offsite drama especially when my favorite people (like for example, Egoraptor) gets cancelled or I get screwed over on Twitter for saying non-offensive things that offends people (for example, claiming an actress' career is ruined because everyone hates a show she is in or Disney ignoring heterosexuality) to the point of accusing me of something I am not.
Background Pony #8CCA
@Hollowfox the Worst
Do they only hate Twitter under the new management, now that it's no longer a 100% PC hugbox for commies, troons, and commie troons, or did they hate it before also?

There's nothing social about "social media." It's always been fucking horrible, back when it was AOL chatrooms and Geocities blogs. Anonymity plus an audience plus lack of immediate consequences instantly brings out the very worst aspects of human behavior that don't require personal presence or physical contact. It's antisocial behavior and it normalizes sitting around in your underwear clicking on "refresh" over and over to try to get one more dopamine hit from total strangers you'll never meet, whose faces you'll never see, whose voices you'll never hear. That's the opposite of social. It feeds on itself and creates a crab bucket mentality where the people in the bucket don't like the thought that anyone could leave. I hate social media. Hate it, hate it, hate it. But I hated it first, before it became fashionable.
Punished McGee

A fallen legend
@Background Pony #64A4
My solid expertise confirms that you are a novice. Let me give you a helping touch and show you how it's done.

@Hollowfox the Worst
You know what else needs to be nuked?

Your mom's rectum.

@Background Pony #64A4
See, you have to linger on it a bit to add a predicament of urgency. Please, do take your mom jokes seriously. Mom jokes are sacred because mothers are sacred. I would not wan't my own mom to be held to such a weak standart.
Background Pony #A598
Done, also I finally realised that the reasons for characters not matching the mouthpiece was because it's not only intentional but will most certainly stir up a reaction if let's say Pinkie, who's canonically a real mother would support pro-abortion. I'm the dum dum dumbass for not knowing sooner. If it fits, it won't be interesting.
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