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Early Adopter
It's really nice to make a big batch of something like chicken drumsticks, save all the bones, and then make a big batch of bone broth. I forgot about the broth this time, but I caught it before all of it boiled away. Now I have about 3/4 of a cup of super concentrated bone broth. That stuff's going to be godly when I use it.

I've gotta pack my lunch instead of being able to cook it these days, so I'm really getting a lot of value from making bigger batches of stuff and using the leftovers.

Also, something I learned: When making soup with a dried soup mix that includes things like split peas and barley, it's good to have plenty of water in the pot. Like, way more than you think you need. Otherwise, the dried mix might not absorb enough of the water as it expands in order to get tender, no matter how long you simmer it.


Well, I can't say how healthy it was, but it's true people of the ancient world had infrequent feasts of meat in between long periods of not eating anything other than all the roots, tubers, seeds and other starches that they normally ate. Though I've also heard some thought that humans had more regular access to meat who lived by the sea. Also insects, since early humans lived very much in the tropics.

It's definitely safe to say a low fiber, high sugar diet hasn't been common in human history, nor healthy in any way. high fiber, high sugar foods have been around forever though.
Soft Lava
Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020
Auti.. Artist -

It's funny but I'm genetically unable to gain weight. My build is of an anorexic. So I don't even bother how many calories something has. I can eat anything I want.


That's definitely how carnivores live, with long periods of hunger broken by the occasional high calorie quick to spoil meals. It… might not be the healthiest diet for human biology though.
Fulvius Stellus

Recently I have decided to go on a water fast, last time I was only able to go for 2 and a half days but this time im shooting for 5 days at the least. After the fast I will return to a carnivore diet like I have done in the past.
This is related enough to food right?

Early Adopter
I recently picked up some kickass olive spread of some kind. It goes great with these cheese-jalapeno bagels.

The bagels are too big to go into my toaster, but I luckily have a toaster oven that can get the job done.

The olive spread is really oily. Just using it as a topping on a bagel that already has mayo, onions, cheese, and kolbasa sausage on it leads to the oil dripping off of it. Chopping all the toppings up small and mixing it with mayo and that olive spread makes a fantastic sandwich spread that solves all my problems.

So, my recent food obsession is toasted bagels with a sandwich spread that includes olives.

I haven't heard anything but good things said about my chocolate chip cookies, but it's just the standard Tollhouse recipe with a few tweaks to it, so I don't really get it. I try not to make cookies that often, since they're unhealthy, but then I forget, and the person I live with starts buying boxed cookies, so there's never an opportunity for me to make them myself.

Early Adopter
I made a couple of really good batches of cookies not long ago. The recipie says that the amount I made should be good for about 2 dozen, but I make 'em big. A well-rounded tablespoon of cookie dough that I use my hands and form into a ball.

Then, I cook them on a cookie sheet with parchment paper Parchment paper makes everything better and let them cook for about 20 minutes. They feel almost raw when I first take them out of the oven, but after they cool down, they're fantastic. Big, slightly-chewy and soft on the middle cookies with chocolate chips and stuff like chopped nuts or toasted, sweetened coconut in them. They kick the ass of any cookies I've ever bought in a store.

In American cuisine, soup that must be chewed is called "stew." It's a blurry line though, because there's always a ton of vegetables and… well, meat if you're luckier than me, once you get to the bottom of the soup pot.
Soft Lava
Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020
Auti.. Artist -

I am not an expert in american cuisine(or any cuisine in that ragard) but some people say that soup is a drink. I don't fancy those people. Like, Soup is filled with vegetables and meat. Such things strongly rely on chewing to be properly digested. Am I supposed to just pour this potential choking hazard into my mouth without any need to worry about it's contents? Who the hell says that one can drink the soup? Did you hear your mom calling you to drink your soup? If you just take the wet stuff from the soup and cool it down then yeah — it's a drink. But who the hell would do that to a damn meal? People have to show some damn respect!

Bologna is pretty low quality around here. Poorly spiced, rubbery texture, sold in plastic packages by giant food processing corporations. It's one step away from Scientifically Processed Animal Meat.

To me, bologna cake looks about as appealing as deep fried bacon wrapped eggs: zero fiber, very high fat to protein ratio, not an easy meal to digest. Maybe with a lot of whole grains and vegetables on the side. Plus I like extra sharp 2 years aged cheddar, not… cheeze whiz…

Early Adopter
I don't know what that is, but that sounds pretty bad to me. I dislike that idea for the same reason I hated taking a big bite out of mashed potatoes, only to discover that it was some kind of pureed cauliflower instead.
Soft Lava
Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020
Auti.. Artist -

Alright, you rascals. Turns out I have something of value to add to this conversation.

Why do millenials hate Bologna cake? As a millenial, I think it's pretty fine for what it's worth. I mean, it's just a meal that looks like a cake with bologna inside but it's not a cake. What's the big deal? Just because something looks like a sweet dessert doesn't make it a dessert. And, unlike some babanas dipped in ketchup or pineapple pizza, this meal doesn't have anything sugary in its recipe.

I only ever had problems with yeast exhaustion if I left the dough for a day or more, and then I do add flour to it. The thing always seems to go vinegary before it goes sourdoughy though. Anyway thanks for your advice.

Early Adopter
If you think one of your problems is the yeast running out of starch, then try adding a teaspoon or more of sugar to the dough. It won't affect the flavour of it all that much, and it might even help the browning on top. I think the purpose of the milk is more for the added fats. Maybe the protein from the milk helps to add structure, like the eggs.

@Soft Lava
That sounds like a sad existence. If you're going to be doing something multiple times a day for nearly every day of your life, it's worth the effort to invest in learning how to make the experience better.


I've added too much oil to my bread before, which of course kills the yeast and makes it flat. And also not enough. Made a lot of pizza dough; nothing that tasted good. Interesting idea on adding milk in place of water. That extra protein…

There also might be an issue with using too much yeast, or the yeast not having enough life in it
I don't think you can use too much yeast, but I have definitely had loaves fail on me because it ran out of available starch to feed all the yeast. Haven't tried a tub of warm water; not sure the heat in that'd last overnight.

As for not enough life, yeah… they have a brand of yeast called "Red Star" around here that is just awful. I've never managed to get it not to collapse into a vinegary mess. The other brands all sell yeast only in these tiny little packets though. I was lucky to find a teeny little jar of "Fleishmann's" brand yeast, and I… really should've been using it instead of getting distracted the last 2 weeks.

Start with your liquid components and then gradually add your solid components to it.
Yeah, I do that. Add more flour in the kneading process than anything. It's kind of hair raising actually because you have to keep going until the dough is just too tacky to rip off the counter, and only then can you add the flour. Dough that's actually pleasant to knead always ends up being too tough to puff up.

I hear that the US has to use special bread flour because their normal all-purpose flour is much lower quality than the all-purpose flour that's available in Canada.
Huh I didn't know that was the reason. Bread flour (they say) has a higher level of gluten, so it makes a tougher dough. You don't want bread flour when you're making brownies, shortbread or cake, because it is supposed to be crumbly and soft. In the US they also sell (way overpriced) "cake flour" that has even less gluten in it.


Man, even the pre-shaped pizza doughs are overpriced around here. They market it like you're gonna be a real "Italian" pizza chef or something. Don't even get me started on frozen pizzas.
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